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Beacons of Revelation
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Surah al-Fatihah
24/11/2024 - The Basmalah (146:58)
01/12/2024 - Who is Allah? (130:07)
08/12/2024 - Speaking to Allah (127:20)
15/12/2024 - Virtues of Surah al-Fatihah (58:42)
Surah al-Baqarah
15/12/2024 - Who is Guidance For? (107:06)
22/12/2024 - Order of Surahs, Iman & meanings of the particle باء (167:30)
29/12/2024 - Kufr & its types (120:57)
05/01/2025 - Introducing the Munafiqun (132:16)
12/01/2025 - The Munafiqun & Guidance + the Miracle of the Qur'an (156:26)
19/01/2025 - Jannah in Context (137:08)
26/01/2025 - Death is a blessing & Madhhabs in Theology (133:59)
02/02/2025 - The Creation of Human Beings (115:07)
09/02/2025 - The 'Original Sins' of Shaytan & Humanity
16/02/2025 - Types of Shirk & verses on the People of the Book (132:38)
23/02/2025 - 'Seek Help in Patience & Prayer' (125:39)
09/02/2025 - The 'Original Sins' of Shaytan & Humanity
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